

T'moro is Saturday lor^^
Ewen Wife & I plan 2 go shopping 2moro!!!
~\(≧▽≦)/~larlarlar^^Nice hor...
Also 2 pick up My NEW IC~~~
(*^__^*) Xixi……^^

T'moro, Pasar Malam, I wan 2 go^^
However, 2 go early, otherwise a lot of people...
^^ B'cos close 2 the New Year...
Many people have 2 BUY New Year GROCERIES ler^^

Hurry T'MORO!!!

Valentine's Day should be prepared for...wat ar?!

February 14 is Valentine's Day^^
February 27 is he Birfday or~~~

BaoBeii said her Valentine's Day card written by^^
But tis Valentine's Day card has expired or...
Haizzz...SAD lor she!!!

Do not know wat to send him ler?!
Who can give me advice ar?!
Valentine's Day 2 send any good or?!

T'day is WIKI Birfday^^
I wish her a happy birthday^^
Assignment...quickly done!
Do not give the teacher REJECT Again lor~~~

⌒The END⌒

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