

Hohoho...i'll go home tis night lor^^
(*^__^*)Heehee......Nice ler~~~

Now My MOOD is in the advent of the New Year CountDown^^
But I am afraid that I have enough time 2 do My Assignment!!!
Haizzz...Conflicting Emotions lorr~~~

Last year,Chinese New Year is also has Assignment 2 do...
Tis year was no exception 2~~~
( ‵o′)凸...FUCK!!!I don't wan 2 do in the new year with Assignment lar...

Really ANNOYING larrr~~~

T'moro is the first 1, wif he Together 500 days lor~~~
I hope that in future there r more of our 500-day^^

↘Our love...
There is 2 laugh,cry...occasionally quarrel~~~
But I just you^^

**February 14 Valentine's Day**
Although we have gone through 2 Valentine's Day^^
But tis is the 1st time we spent together^^

→I hope that day have a day^^
(*^__^*) Xixi……

But now...
I still dunno wat 2 send him Valentine's Day gift lar~~~
Haizzz...Super bored!!!
Wan 2 personally do it,then gave him...
Recently,my time is not enough...

'll Have 2 wait March 14...-
White Day will be prepared 2 give him a gift lor~~~

Afternoon on CLASS~~~

Bye Bye

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