

2 more days to go shopping safari, ar^^
Did not know there will be no new discoveries?!
O(∩_∩)O Haha, greedy...
Want to buy new clothes more than 2^^

Annoying thing is the most difficult to buy shoes!!!

Recall that last time,
And Ewen Wife 2 buy shoes 2 attend Dinner?!
6,7 go between the shoe store...
Also can not find her shoes!!!
The results with a lot of time before we decided 2 Jusco has a pair called...
the Step of the shoe store 2 buy high-heeled shoes!!!
Is also NICE lar^^

Since that time...
we have no energy 2 continue 2 walk the other shoe in again!!!

New Hairstyle to celebrate the arrival of a new year^^

↘Self-timer a photo^^

→New hairstyle...
•⌒New Year⌒•
•⌒New START⌒•
•⌒New Weather ⌒•

Today will be better than yesterday^^
Tomorrow will be better^^

Because today's good mood^^

Are now ready 2 go Workshop...
To sawing wood 2 make the toolbox^^

See U

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